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elaborate doodles 2008

conte & oil on canvas series

My current series of paintings, "Elaborate Doodles," begins with Sharpie drawings rendered in an automatic process that I then articulate with details and patterns. I use these drawings as a basis for the paintings by re-drawing them onto primed canvas with conte crayon then fixing the conte to the canvas with brushed linseed oil. This creates a wash from the conte but also leaves the original line visible. I then apply oil paint with a small brush over the existing lines and into the background as the painting directs me.

'Nest of the Rhinosaurus' by Dana Frostick 'Barnyard Disturbance' by Dana Frostick

'Craft Work' by Dana Frostick 'Aquatic Battle' by Dana Frostick

'Glass Onion' by Dana Frostick 'Carniverous Vegetation' by Dana Frostick 'Tarkus des Escargots' by Dana Frostick

acrylic and sharpie series

I am also concurrently working on some colorful "Elaborate Doodles," which vary some from the mono-chromatic pieces. These colorized doodles begin directly on the canvas as a sharpie drawing. Acrylic paint is then applied.

'Volcanic Origins' by Dana Frostick 'Star Spiral' by Dana Frostick 'Rhinosaurus' by Dana Frostick

danafrostick.com older work | statement | resume | more
All images and text on this web site are Copyright of Dana Frostick | Contact: dfrostick@gmail.com